
Saturday, February 1, 2014

Business –to- Business And Business-to-consumer Challenges Present In Organizations Engaged In E-commerce

handicraft -to- business and business-to-consumer ch on the wholeenges present in organizations engaged in e- vocation Organizations face some challenges as they enter the e-commerce and e-business environment of the crystalise profit . As a clarification between e-commerce and e-business , Laudon and Laudon (2006 ) states that E-commerce is the soften of e-business that deals with the get and selling of goods and works electronically with computerized business minutes utilize the Internet , networks , and some other digital technologies . It to a fault encompasses activities supporting those market place legal proceeding , such as advertising , marketing , node support delivery , and retribution (p . 9 p on that point atomic number 18 many concerns with e-commerce for business-to-business and business-to-consumer t ransactions . Just a few considerations for business are warranter , privacy , and lawfulness commercial enterprise-to-consumer ecommerce is in the beginning considered electronic activities that brook goods and function to consumers that are closure users of the good or service . Beyond the obtain carts and the occasional book procure for the consumers , business-to-business ecommerce involves many more transactions and can include wholesalers manufacturers , retailers , and other businesses some the worldHaag , et , al (2005 ) states Business to Business (B2B ) e-commerce occurs when a business sells products and services to customers who are primarily other businesses . B2B e-commerce is all intimately the commerce interactions among two or more businesses (p . 263Haag , et , al (2005 ) supercharge states that Business to Consumer (B2C e-commerce occurs when a business sells products and services to customers who are primarily individuals . B2C e-commerce is all abou t the commerce interactions among a business! and an end consumer (p . 263For typeface , a transaction that involves a person shopping for a book via the internet and then purchases that book from the Barnes and statuesque website would be considered a business-to-consumer ecommerce . However when Barnes and Noble does business in the said(prenominal) manor but with publishers , wholesalers , shippers , and other means by which they race their operation then it is consider business-to-businessSecurity , privacy and integrity for business-to-business and business-to-consumer involves not only the bail of the info but security of login accounts , passwords , and the security of the transactions itself . From transmission of information to data fund , thither must be policies , procedures and processes that protect the consumer and the businessA business-to-consumer exercising could be the auspices of the transmissions of credit card purchases by utilise warrantsocketlayer (SSL and 128 chip pellet encryption . The re should be proof that the transmission or message was received and processed . The privacy of the consumer s information necessarily to be protected from unauthorized access to protect against individuality theft . And finally , the integrity of the transaction and transmission of the data must be protected from modification or tamperingMost of the previous(prenominal) example applies to business-to-business ecommerce as well . Transmissions must be encrypted and secure using SSL transactions must be protected from alteration , and tack secrets must be protected . However , the fall-out is much(prenominal) worse when it involves thousands of transactions or if it involves millions of dollars due to delay in fulfillment of sA topic example from McNurlin and Sprague (2006 ) isOne Bug...If you want to get a full essay, align it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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