Wednesday, November 27, 2019
International Human Resource Management Essays (3057 words)
International Human Resource Management Essays (3057 words) EXECUTIVE SUMMARY International Human Resource Management(IHRM) can be defined as the methods of selecting, allocating, and utilizing human resources effectively in an international context. IHRM is the methods of selecting, allocating, and utilizing human resources effectively in an international context. MURDOCH is distinguished as a leading Australian and Worldwide famous university. To be successful, the university focuses on attracting, retaining and patronizing those educators who are dedicated to best quality student experiences and outcomes. The University has introduced recognizing and rewarding current educational staff members for exceptional assistance in learning, training and research. The university follow a strong international human resource management strategy for managing its international stuff. This report focuses on IHRM practices in and the IHRM issues face by MURDOCH University. This report focus on following issues: How MURDOCH manage its international workforce IHRM policies and practices of MURDOCH . Recruitment and selection, training, performance management and remuneration process of MURDOCH INTRODUCTION Resource Management (HRM) is process of recruiting, managing, and providing direction to the personnel who work in an organization Human Resource Management is an important organizational activity that focuses on issues regarding personnel such as hiring, compensation, organization development, performance management, wellness, safety, benefits, employee motivation, training, administration, and communication. Human Resource Management is called a comprehensive and strategic approach to managing workforce and environment of the workplace. Efficient HRM enables workforce to perform effectively and efficiently to increase the production and achieve the organizational goal. One of the important parts of HRM is International HRM. IHRM is the methods of selecting, allocating, and utilizing human resources effectively in an international context. IHRM refers asset of activities that enables organizations to manage workforces at international level to ensure goal achievement organizational objectives and IHRM includes performing HRM activities such as such as hiring, compensation, organization development, performance management, wellness, safety, benefits, employee motivation, training, administration, and communication at an international context. The process of IHRM would be very simple if the multinational corporations simply trade its products, operating only a few offices in foreign countries. Bit in present world, organizations spread their activities and operations in a large number of countries. Thus IHRM is an important point for organizations. IHRM is very complex for many organizations. They have to build integration among HR practices and policies of its subsidiary firms in different territory in order to achieve overall organizational objectives. On the other hand, these organizations also ensure significant level of flexibility in their IHRM strategy because employees from different countries are backed by different cultures and social values. Flexibility has a significant influence on the performance of the employees (Richman et al. May 2008). Because of the forces of internationalization and the demand of the organizations to develop and implement a strong international strategy, International Human Resource Management (IHRM) is becoming a prerequisite to success of the organization. IHRM managers often face difficulties to decide whether an organization should develop its human resource policies and practices on the local context (Lloyd & Hrtel 2004). In developing an effective HRM system it is important to focus on alignment with performance management system in the organization. For example, criteria used for performance management is to be the same as those used for staffing, recruitment and training. This conveys a strong message about what is expected by the organization from the employees (Pulakos 2004). For the survival in this competitive marketplace, it is necessary to develop a capable and efficient workforce. Even if there is a probability of shutdown in the international market, Companies continue to expect growth of its activities. But Companies cannot find required number of qualified international candidates. It has been a complex issue to determine how companies achieve their goals for staff development, control and coordination, knowledge transfer, by taking effective staffing policies and. There are two broad contrasts in international staffing options. The first is an ethnocentric practices and policy. These policies may based on the view that the first choice for international or parent country positions are the parent country nationals. The second choice may be either region-based or geocentric policy that ensures the most suitable employee for the position is selected irrespective of their origin country. Emphasizing on the movement to overseas locations from parent company location is
Saturday, November 23, 2019
EstadÃÂsticas y Datos Migratorios en Estados Unidos
Estadà sticas y Datos Migratorios en Estados Unidos Para finales del aà ±o 2018 habà a en Estados Unidos alrededor de 44 millones de inmigrantes, entre legales e ilegales. Esta cifra supone que el 13.5 por ciento de la poblacià ³n proviene de otros lugares del mundo, y que uno de cada cinco inmigrantes elige a Estados Unidos como su destino final. Los Paà ses con Mayor Nà ºmero de Inmigrantes De acuerdo a estudios del Pew Research Center, en el aà ±o 2016 los porcentajes de inmigrantes por paà s se distribuà an de la siguiente manera: Mà ©xico con el 11.6 por cientoIndia con el 2.4 por cientoChina, Taiwan y Hong Kong con el 2.7 por cientoFilipinas con el 1.9 por cientoEl Salvador con el 1.4 por ciento Para el aà ±o 2018, Mexico, Cuba, China, India, Repà ºblica Dominicana, y las Filipinas eran los paà ses de origen del mayor nà ºmero de nuevos residentes permanentes legales. Inmigracià ³n Legal de Acuerdo al Departamento de Seguridad Nacional (DHS) De acuerdo al informe del aà ±o 2018 del Departamento de Seguridad Nacional, 264.000 inmigrantes obtuvieron su residencia legal durante el primer semestre del aà ±o. El nà ºmero de inmigrantes nuevos en llegar al paà s cayà ³ en un 18 por ciento respecto al aà ±o 2017, con un total de nuevas llegadas de 124.000 personas. La mayorà a de nuevos residentes permanentes legales se hizo a su tarjeta de residencia a travà ©s de un familiar inmediato ciudadano de Estados Unidos (casi el 44 por ciento); otro 18 por ciento se hizo a su tarjeta de residencia por pertenecer a una categorà a de preferencia familiar. Otra manera de acceder a un estatus legal de residencia fue a travà ©s de la peticià ³n de refugio y asilo. Para el aà ±o 2018 los paà ses de origen con mayor nà ºmero de refugiados eran Bhutan, la Repà ºblica Democrtica del Congo, Burma, Ucrania, Eritrea, y Rusia. Los ciudadanos de Bhutan y los del Congo componen el 29 y el 22 por ciento de las admisiones por asilo. Para el aà ±o 2018 el presidente Trump habà a disminuido el nà ºmero de admitidos por asilo a 45.000, con restricciones para ciudadanos de Chad, Irn, Libia, Corea del Norte, Somalia, Yemen y Venezuela. La caracterà stica principal delà asilo es que se puede solicitar en la frontera o en el interior del paà s. Otros caminos para hacerse a una residencia legal fueron a travà ©s de una peticià ³n realizada por una empresa o institucià ³n por razà ³n de empleo; la loterà a de visas de la diversidad, la visa U para và ctimas de violencia, y los programas VAWA, para mujeres và ctimas de violencia domà ©stica. Para octubre del 2018 se habà an recibido en total al rededor de 5.668.000 peticiones para adquirir estatus legal, con una aprobacià ³n de 4.901.000. Para ms detalles de divisià ³n por categorà a se puede consultar el formato en la pgina del Departamento de Seguridad Nacional del perà odo fiscal FY18. Ingresos legales temporales La mayorà a de ingresos a Estados Unidos que no son relativos a inmigracià ³n, suceden por turismo, trabajo, deporte, inversià ³n, entretenimiento, y estudios. En el rea de turismo hay 38 paà ses con una autorizacià ³n para viajar sin visa (adems de los ciudadanos de Canad). Para el resto, se exige la visa B2 o la combinada B1/B2. Adems, para los mexicanos que residen a lo largo de la frontera con EE.UU. es posible utilizar una tarjeta especial de acceso. La segunda manera de ingreso ms popular, con el diez por ciento, es la de negocios, para la que se utiliza la visa B1. En tercer lugar estn las visas de trabajo temporal, como la la TN para mexicanos y canadienses, la L-1 para transferencia dentro de una multinacional y la H-1B para profesionales. En à ºltimo lugar, estn las visas de estudiante F-1 y F-3.à Ingresos Ilegales, Detenciones y Remociones Se estima que hay once millones de migrantes indocumentados en Estados Unidos, de los cuales 800.000 se beneficiaban del programa DACA creado por Obama, que impedà a su deportacià ³n y les permità a obtener permiso de trabajo.à Para regularizar la situacià ³n de los indocumentados hay procesos muy complejos, y hay que analizar cada caso dependiendo de las circunstancias particulares. Desde enero del 2017, cuando el presidente Trump entrà ³ al cargo, la detencià ³n de ilegales indocumentados ha aumentado en un 42 por ciento, especialmente en Florida, el norte de Texas y Oklahoma. En el mismo sentido se ha producido una disminucià ³n en el nà ºmero de arrestos en la frontera con Mà ©xico de migrantes que cruzan ilegalmente la frontera ya que cada vez lo intentan menos. Asà , en los primeros tres meses del FY2018 (octubre a diciembre de 2017), fueron expulsados en la frontera sur un total de 109.544 migrantes. El muro y la frontera Ms de 3.000km de frontera separa EE.UU. y Mà ©xico, en un tercio de la misma hay vaya separadora. La construccià ³n del muro a lo largo de toda la frontera es una de las promesas electorales de Trump pero que no tiene, al menos por ahora, financiacià ³n y est siendo fuertemente contestada por las organizaciones defensoras de migrantes y tambià ©n por los efectos medioambientales, por los efectos perjudiciales que se estima que tendrà a. Este artà culo es meramente informativo. No pretende ser asesorà a legal para ningà ºn caso en particular.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Movie analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Movie analysis - Essay Example According to Bass, transformational leaders are charismatic and understanding; they have good emotional intelligence and act beyond their interest to achieve better results for their team. These people are highly appreciated by their team and employers. The case of couch Carter perfectly meets all these requirements. First of all, Carter is a charismatic leader who can attract and retain peopleââ¬â¢s attention due to his specific approach. In his suit and tie he looks out of place at Richmond. He always speaks politely and asks all people to behave the same way. He establishes the rules of the game and other people have to follow them because he does not approve of any other approach. Every failure results in 100 shuttle runs and 250 pushups (Carter). Carter stimulates his followers intellectually, asking teachers to provide him weekly reports about athletesââ¬â¢ academic progress. When he finds out that 6 of them lag behind, he decides to terminate trainings and games for the sake of school performance. He motivates the boys to study recalling the statistics that 30% of African American males in Richmond are arrested (Carter). Even though almost nobody from local community supports Carter in his decisions, he makes all his basketball team respect him as a leader. He is a role model for his team members. He motivates them by own behavior to become better and think about their future. He is quite personal with his team; he always seeks for life examples to support his ideas. For instance, he uses his cousinsââ¬â¢ names to title different basketball maneuvers. Carter treats everybody in his team equally, but he finds an individual approach to each athlete. He punishes his son the same way as other team members. He pays attention to emotional well-being of the team; he is specifically interested in Cruz, who is the most aggressive and unstable athlete. Carter remains strict with Cruz, but every time he gives him a
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Managment- has email replaced the need for face-to-face contact Essay
Managment- has email replaced the need for face-to-face contact between managers and staff - Essay Example (The Industry Standard 2000). Interpersonal communications are an essential foundation upon which organizations are built as was observed by Barnard(1938) who said ââ¬Å" an organization is born when there are individuals who are able to communicate, and who are determined to engage in actions oriented towards a common goalâ⬠. It has been estimated that a manager spends 95% of his time in written and verbal communication. (Mintzberg 1973). It is essential that such technologies impacting upon the organizational is examined with greater attention it deserves. In a study reported in Jan 1995(Sullivan), it was found that e-mail users among the of the Florida House of Representatives, an information-intensive public organization, preferred the just introduced system for document delivery, request for information and answering queries only and not for drafting documents, assigning tasks and making decisions. And it was also found that e-mail was less preferred than face to face interaction but more preferred than telephone, memos and letters. This observation was 10 years ago and in a public organization where formality is the norm. It is undisputed fact that e-mail is used to replace time-consuming and expensive conventional workplace communication methods. It is not surprising therefore that 80 percent of all organizations now use e mail for business communication. It will continue to increase as the cost and resistance decline. (Louis 2002) Interpretation of a message depends on the choice of communication method selected by the sender. The selection of communication media is an executive skill driven by the factors of expediency and efficacy. As a unique communication channel, e-mail enables creation and dissemination of messages in organizations. It is not just a medium between sender and receiver but could be a complex form of communication with
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Paul Ricoeurââ¬â¢s Philosophy and Theology. Essay Example for Free
Paul Ricoeurââ¬â¢s Philosophy and Theology. Essay Paul Ricoeur was born to a devout Protestant family and grew up with his aunt since he was two years of age. Because his mother died and his father was killed during the World War I, he grew up as an orphan in a small remuneration afforded to him by the government as a war orphan. He was a bookish and an exceptional student during his time; his familyââ¬â¢s influence brought him up with Protestant faith. He studied philosophy at Sourbonne and got influence from Gabriel Marcel. During World War I, he served the French army in 1939, became prisoner of war in Germany for five years. During his stay at the camp, he met other intellectuals like Mikel Dufrenne and read a lot about Karl Jaspers who was to have a great influence on him. After the war, he continued his studies and in 1950, he received his doctorate degree. He was given opportunity to work as the Chair of General Philosophy in his alma mater in 1956; from there he began his work as a prolific writer sharing his philosophy and theology. Throughout his life, he was known and respected as one of the most impressive philosophers of the 20th century. Every event in his life has contributed to what he believed in. His Christian belief was influenced by his family; his philosophical view was influences of people he met, he talk, and read. He is a well-known Christian philosopher yet, his writings were appreciated by both non-Christian and Christian. Paulââ¬â¢s Ricoeurââ¬â¢s Philosophy Ricoeurââ¬â¢s philosophical is central to the meaning of life and self. Recoeurââ¬â¢s philosophy is based on the two questions about the self. These questions answers are about the identity of the self and how should it live. Recoeur viewed self hood as inter-subjective capacity for agency and self self-ascription, and anybody can acquire. It means that self as an agency, and self-ascription. However, in his exploration of the issue, he discussed the philosophical thinking in five aspects namely: hermeneutic philosophy, post-Hegelian-Kantian methodology, narrative theory, philosophy of the self, and a moral-political philosophy. Hermeneutics is defined as a system through which a certain belief is interpreted using a specific theory and method for interpretation. Paulââ¬â¢s hermeneutics philosophy according to Paul Ricceur and Richard Keamey is of twofold source of reflection: the hermeneutics of testimony and the hermeneutics of the self. In their explanation, Paul had come up with a thesis, which concludes that testimony must give something to be interpreted as in history, and this testimony will be the object of interpretation. The hermeneutics of self on the other hand pertains to the role in which attestation has to play. David Kaplan in his article explained that hermeneutics for Ricoeur is interpretation of knowledge through its signs, symbols, and texts; it is interpretation of human works and actions. The Post-Hegelian Kantian philosophy on the other hand, is mediation for Ricoeur in such a way that it is combining two different views. Ricoeur accepted Kantââ¬â¢s claim that ideas of morality and history is understandable, and that it has universal validity because of its theoretical and practical reasons. Hegel on the other hand, viewed evil in the world as the ââ¬Å"cunning of reasonâ⬠as helpful for man in realizing a reality. Thus, post-Hegelian Kantian means that expectation is a hope for a humanity belonging to a history, which as a whole is a collective singular. This vision of history is the foundation of ethics and laws in Kant. This implies that Ricoeur acknowledges the concept of totality as long as its scope of reflection is limited to universal rationality (or history). He is actually recognizing that any differences could be regarded as related as in plurality of voices (or idea) yet, reasons behind could be recognized when philosophy tries to find it. Ricoeurââ¬â¢s thesis in Time and Narrative presents that human experience and narration exist. Through hermeneutics, one can easily interpret human experience because it has narration or plot. Narration theory therefore, is telling, writing, and understanding of fictional stories, as Kaplan explained. Narration or plot according to Wall, Schweiker and Hall is an integration of philosophy of action and philosophy of language into a synthesis. By means of this integration, a production of narration is come alive through voluntary and involuntary human actions, its symbolic language, and conflicts, which are to be interpreted through hermeneutics methods linking the time and history. The Philosophy of Self or Philosophy of subjectivity is an attempt anyone can do to elucidate the meaning of manââ¬â¢s existence. Ricceur and Kearney explicate Ricoeurââ¬â¢s hermeneutics of self into the sovereign self and the destructive self. The sovereign self according to them represents the idea in its meaning in the modern philosophy, which pervades modern culture and develops the self-image of people in the modern society. The deconstructive self on the other hand presents self as pure extensionless, consciousness, already established in being. Self therefore has the capability of combining knowledge, and it is vulnerable for it seeks certainty and security. At this point, will and reason are very important to human for they are the instruments for self-preservation and self-advancement. Signs and symbols and human experience are essential for man to interpret the meaning of their existence. Moral Philosophy for Ricoeur emphasizes that human being is capable of affirming the limits of oneââ¬â¢s own moral perspective and embracing Godââ¬â¢s critical transformative power. Being a Bible believer, he believed that everyone has moral responsibility, which accounts directly to moral value. Wall Schweiker and Hall noted that these moral values could be deeply explored from distinctive theological and hermeneutical perspective as what Ricoeur tried to point out. The issue of moral thought or moral responsibility in the study of Ricoeurââ¬â¢s philosophy offers important remedy to present ethical situations or problems. Moral ethics is an expression of human capability though fallible man yet has the ability to embody moral values through the power of God by simply being humble enough to acknowledge weaknesses. Paul Ricoeurââ¬â¢s Theology According to Julisn F. Woods, Paul Recoeur approaches theology by asking questions such as: ââ¬Å"Where is freedom? Or does le coincide with the discovery and understanding of an inner necessity deeper than choice and kind of autonomy? In a word, does the highest degree of freedom consist in the surging up of an absolute power of choosing or in the love fate? â⬠These questions prelude Ricoeurââ¬â¢s ethical approach and hermeneutical approach to theology. Recoeur consider theology and philosophy to be distinct in terms of their contents. He sees theology as hermeneutical, which provides cross-disciplinary, cross-traditional conversational quest for truth. Recoeur was particularly interested in Biblical exegeses and has written an essay in collaboration with other New Testament scholars. He adopted Boltmanian tradition engaging in historical criticism while also affirming the breadth of Biblical genres. In the essay entitled ââ¬Å"Ethics and Considerations on the Golden Ruleâ⬠Recoeur cited that Christian Ethics or communal ethics in religious perspectives, as he calls it, consist in the tension between unilateral love and bilateral justice, and in mutual interpretation of each of these in terms of the other. According to Mark Wallace, Recoeurââ¬â¢s religious thought that as one attempts to interpret the Bible, it actually begins with the risk of understanding biblical language including symbols and signs. Recoeur himself stated that interpretation of the Bible should be in accordance with testimonies of the witnesses particularly the Jewish community. He regarded that the Christian message is meaningful and is worthy of consideration, and that examining it will it self very fully. For Ricoeur, the God of the Bible cannot be theoretically proven as a staple of reason or as a fact alongside other facts in our empirical experience. He believes that Gods existence cannot be proven by any natural theology that necessitates thought or the knowledge of empirical objects. Wallace pointed out that Recoeur relies on signs, not on proofs in interpretation of the language. Recoeur believed that pertaining to scripture language it relies on the signs and traces of a reality testified to at the horizon of philosophical reflection that demands to be interpreted and understood. In the argument of language interpretations, Ricoeur balances it against the possibility of error in the testimony of the witnessing community and regard it a risk that would result in false testimony. Wallace noted that the risk must be taken because the stakes are so high. Therefore, Ricoeur believed in the truthfulness of the Bible being the ultimate source of Godââ¬â¢s words. Interpretation of it should undergo hermeneutical approach based on history by knowing underlying concepts suggested in symbols, signs and text. For Ricoeur, the stakes is the possibility of Biblical language being a faithful trace of Godââ¬â¢s presence in the Jewish and Christian communities. He believed that the knowledge of the absolute is never given in an absolute sense but only relative to the contingent and fallible signs that the divine life gives of itself in its generosity. Ricoeur agreed that religion deals with manââ¬â¢s ultimate concern and that the New Testament calls to be Christ like, is the counterpart of the mandated self of the Hebrew Bible.
Friday, November 15, 2019
Demonstrated Effectiveness of Training within the Workplace to Improve
The Quality Management Plan at Club Nova reflects two core quality improvement plans: House Cleanliness and Employee Retention. Club Nova collects member and staff satisfaction data at least semi-annually in order to analyze that data and to make headway in finding a remedy for these two issues. Alas, no solution has been found. Staff turnover rate is at an all-time high, with 6 of 10 staff having left Club Nova since July 2011. For the members, I recognize that losing valued and favored staff will result in decreased member participation and attendance, strained interactions with new staff, and overall dissatisfaction with the functioning of Club Nova. My solution is simple. Club Nova should invest in its staff. According to Nowackââ¬â¢s research (2011), 42.6% of those within his study reported that career growth and learning opportunities were a significant factor in their continued employment at a given job. Staff who are more knowledgeable about the Clubhouse Model and who receive various on-going training will operate a more efficient program, will experience less frustrations in dealing with the organizational style within Club Nova, and will enjoy their work significantly more thereby reducing staff turnover and improving member satisfaction. Which Staff & Members Do We Offer Training? Club Nova is a unique environment in which all members and staff function along-side each other to complete the tasks during the work-ordered day. Trainings should not be any different in this model. Tanvir, Hussain, & Janjua, (2011) defined training as the ââ¬Å"attainment of the skill, ideas and attitudes to obtain the desired performance and results.â⬠Given that the responsibilities of the day fall on both members and staff, each pe... ...nd Stress.â⬠Envisia Learning, Olivero, G., Bane, K., & Kopelman, R. (1997). ââ¬Å"Executive coaching as a transfer of training tool: effects on productivity in a public agency.â⬠Public Personnel Management, 26(4), 461-469. ââ¬Å"Schedule,â⬠Retrieved from Smith, A., Oczkowski, E., & Smith, C. (2011). To have and to hold: Modelling the drivers of employee turnover and skill retention in Australian Organisations. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 22(2), 395-416. doi:10.1080/09585192.2011.540162 Tanvir, M., Hussain, A., & Janjua, S. (2011). A Remedy based Concept: Impact of Encounter Service, Culture and Employees Training on Customers Satisfaction of Hospitality Industry. Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research In Business, 3(2), 1237-1247.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Education and the Future Essay
Education and learning have always been a challenge to everyone. There are always emerging problems in our education system. Thus, a lot of issues and concerns need to be addressed. We are constantly facing challenges with our education system and childrenââ¬â¢s learning capabilities. Most of us believe that education will equip us with what we need to survive in the real world, it is highly important to come up with the most effective means to educate our children. Education is an important process that a person must experience. Education is necessary mainly because knowledge and learning will not be fully achieved without formal education. Education teaches a person many things that are essential in life such as problem solving, critical thinking and decision making. Education is also important to man as it provides man vital information that he needed to knows about his past, present and future (Khan, n. d. ). We learn through a wide array of processes. For instance, we learn through the formal process of education wherein a mentor teaches the students various concepts, ideas and principles. We also learn through our experiences in life, our observations, and our interaction with others. Our education system is bombarded with dilemmas in rendering quality education to students. There are many issues that concerning the present quality of education that our students is receiving. The various aspects of education such as teachers and curriculum largely contribute on the quality of education. What are the methods and techniques as well as solutions that can be applied in order to improve the different aspects of the education system? Every school has its own curriculum that is followed by the students. Curriculum is the set of courses that is taken by the students (Hewitt, 2006). Curriculum is the list of subjects that a student should take in the whole year. Curriculum is very important in the whole education process. It is important to have a comprehensive curriculum which includes subjects that are essential in the improvement of the students and render both basic skills and expertise in various aspects. An educational institution must always evaluate their curriculum and adhere on the latest modern trends to equip their students with skills essential in life. The curriculum of the school is anchored on the socioeconomic background of the population than the mental ability. Curriculum is a choice of the organization and its effects will be felt at the end of the schooling. Curriculum variables played a lot of their role when the student leaves his school (Marjoribanks, 1979). There is a wide array of means to create a comprehensive curriculum that is fully developed and offered strong subjects which is the key to a successful education system. First, a planning committee is important in creating or reevaluating a schoolââ¬â¢s curriculum. The planning committee should be consisted of school administrators, faculty members, board members, parents and selected students to be able to gain various perspectives from different sectors (McGee, 2008). This will be an effective way of developing a curriculum and to know how it would affect the different population. The school must set objectives for the integration and disintegration of subjects and courses offered. Teachers are also an important part of the education system. Teachers are the ones who convey the facts and information to the students. Teachers are meant to teach and guide the students while they are in school. They are the ones who teach the concepts and the things that the students need to know. Teachers are very important in the students overall education as they guide the students in the course of the learning process. Students are not able to fully grasp the concepts and principles all by themselves. Teachers need to explain these things in order to be digested by the students. It is important that the school teachers are knowledgeable and competent in order to meets the needs of the students. They must be equipped with adequate knowledge that will enable them to explain and expound on the things that they are teaching. They should also be composed of important virtues such as patience and perseverance that is essential in their line of work. The teachers should also be current and follow the modern trends of teaching as well as use strategies that are adaptive to the modern-day students. One way of refreshing our mentors is to conduct teachersââ¬â¢ training once in a while. This aims to refresh the minds of the teachers on the subjects that they teach. Teachers are the people, who render knowledge to our children at school, it is important that they are properly and appropriately trained on the various aspects of teaching. By definition, teacher training is a professional preparation of a teacher. Oftentimes, teacher training is a formal course work and practice teaching which includes lectures and practical applications. Teacher training or the preparatory measures varies in different education systems (ââ¬Å"Teacher Trainingâ⬠, 2009). During the colonial period, teachers are only required of basic knowledge and willingness to take on the before low-waged occupation. Today, there are various requirements needed for a person to be able to teach. Teaching opportunities and qualifications advanced as we give high importance on education. Most countries required a person who went rigorous studies and extensive practice teaching in preparation for the profession (ââ¬Å"Teacher Trainingâ⬠, 2009). Teacher training is important to refresh and update the minds of our mentors for them to catch up on the dynamicity of the modern world. Teacher training is composed of three important components such as familiarity on the curriculum, attitudes toward the school community and being a vital part of the institution (Velasco, n. d. ). Teachers should be familiar with the schoolââ¬â¢s existing curriculum and they should always adapt on the changes on the teaching strategies and methods to effectively teach a particular lesson. Teachers should also know what lessons should be hierarchically taught to the students to equip them with pertinent knowledge. Teachers are the role models of the students and uphold the highest standard of morality and decency. Teachers should show their best attitude to the community and try to achieve harmonious and productive relationships with the students, parents and school administrators. Teachers are also a vital part of the educational institution and they should perform their duties very well. They should be able to impart knowledge and information that will be useful for the students in the future. Education and studentsââ¬â¢ preparation for the future should not only rely on what the schools could do. Schools could only provide good teachers, good learning equipment and facilities and area conducive for learning. The motivation and willingness to learn will always be the studentsââ¬â¢ choice. Students will learn so much if they are willing to learn and help themselves. Reading is one way of learning and reinforcing the knowledge and information that is being taught by the teacher. Reading is very important in studentsââ¬â¢ educational success. Many educational researchers found a strong correlation between reading and success. Frequently, a good reader most likely passes the exams and do well in school than a student who do not often read. Good readers can easily understand individual sentences and organizational structure of a piece of literature. They most likely comprehend ideas, follow arguments, and detect implications. They also have a rich vocabulary and know a lot of trivial knowledge (ââ¬Å"The Importance of Readingâ⬠, n. d. ). There is no crisis in the world of literature, but most parents and educators lament and pine why children do not frequently read. They are worried about the technology and how it manages to capture the hearts of the children and teenagers. The tech-savvy world is suddenly consuming the present generation and leave behind the frayed pages of the book. Before the radio and television gain popularity, it is well known that reading is the best leisure activity and source of entertainment of people. But due to the advancements of technology and inception of electronic gadgets, the invention of the various technological gadgets marked the dying passion to read. Reading is very important and may be a helpful activity in the studentsââ¬â¢ life (Sofsian, 2006). Reading offers a productive approach in enriching a personââ¬â¢s vocabulary. It is also commonly observed that children who love to read have high IQs. They are also more creative and intelligent and do well at school. Educational researchers highly recommend that parents inculcate the importance of reading while in an early age. Reading develops the vocabulary and forms a strong emotional bond between parents and children. Children who read at an early age are observed with better language skills and learn the variances in phonics much better. Reading largely helps in the personââ¬â¢s mental development and exercises the muscles in the eyes. Reading is a helpful activity that involves greater amount of concentration and adds conversational skills to the person. It also stimulates the brain function and enhances knowledge acquisition. The habit of reading helps the person to decipher uncommon words that we may come across (Sofsian, 2006). It has been a challenge nowadays to convince our students to read and focus enough attention and concentration in a page of a book. The world nowadays is full of distraction and entertainment. Reading strengthens concentration, verbal skills and higher-level of thinking. It invigorates the brain and stimulates its activities (Follos & Gantos, 2006). The initiative should always starts on the student itself. Despite the efforts of the school and the teachers in teaching the students, it is for the students to decide whether they will learn something. The preparation for our childrenââ¬â¢s future rely on each others hands. We all have our roles in preparing our children to face the real world. References Follos, A. M. G. & Gantos, J. (2006). Reviving Reading: School Library Programming, Author Visits, and Books that Rock! Westport, CT: Libraries Unlimited. Hewitt, T. W. (2006). Understanding and Shaping Curriculum. Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Publications, Inc. Khan, M. W. (n. d. ). The Importance of Education. Retrieved March 14, 2009, from http://www. alrisala. org/Articles/mailing_list/importance_of_education. htm. Marjoribanks, K. (1979). Families and Their Learning Environments: An Empirical Analysis. London: Routledge. McGee, S. (2008). How to Develop a Charter School Curriculum. HowtoDoThings. com. Retrieved March 14, 2009, from http://www. html. Sofsian, D. (2006, November 9). The Importance of Reading. Retrieved March 16, 2009, from http://ezinearticles. com/ The-Importance-Of-Reading&id=354498 Teacher Training. (2009). The Free Dictionary. Farlex, Inc. Retrieved March 16, 2009, from http://encyclopedia2. thefreedictionary. com/teacher+training. The Importance of Reading. (n. d. ). Retrieved March 16, 2009, from http://esl. fis. edu/parents/advice/read. htm. Velasco, M. A. (n. d. ). Seaching for Meaning in Teacher Training. Analytic Teaching, 16, 112-115.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Executive Summary Victoria Chemicals Essay
Problem Definition: The organization, Victoria Chemicals, must determine whether or not to improve engineering efficiency through facility improvements at its production plant Merseyside Works. Relevant Facts: The Merseyside Project was evaluated with respect to the following criteria: (1) Impact on earnings per share (2) Payback (3) Discounted cash flow (ââ¬Å"DCFâ⬠) and (4) Internal Rate of Return (ââ¬Å"IRRâ⬠). The initial assessment of this project was based on assumptions challenged by the experts at Victoria Chemicals. This analysis reflects a more conservative approach that includes potential risks of cannibalization, loss of sales following reconstruction of Merseyside and the purchase of rolling stock in 2010. Analysis Summary: The Merseyside Project met Victoria Chemicalsââ¬â¢ internal criteria for consideration of projects despite the introduction of potential risks into the analysis of the projection (Exhibit 1). The NPV was GBP 9.24 million with an IRR of 20.2%. The payback period is 5.5 years and the average annual addition to EPS was minimal but positive. The cannibalization of sales from Rotterdam was included by reducing sales volumes by 5% for the first five years (Exhibit 2). Further, the affect of closing the factory for construction was modeled by reducing sales volumes to 99% for the first five years to reflect the fact that certain purchasers (approximately 1%) may be lost during this time but eventually recovered. Lastly, the purchase of rolling stock in 2010 was included because it reflected the anticipated growth of the firm in other areas that were included in the projection and as such neglecting to include this cost would be false representation of the anticipated growth. Factors that were ignored in the initial projection that increase the attractiveness of the project were added to this analysis including the inflation rate of 3% and the removal of preliminary engineering costs. Conclusion/Recommendations: It is recommended that Victoria Chemicals go forward with the Merseyside Project. This project meets the specified performance hurdles despite the inclusion of potential threats. One major concern of the project is that the payback period is delayed to over 5 years under this assessment and the average annual addition to EPS is minimal. The declining EPS during the initial stages of the project make the organization more vulnerable to a corporate raid. However, polypropylene is priced as a commodity and as such, the only way to improve financial performance is to improve manufacturing cost efficiency. Further, the educated shareholder will recognize that the declining EPS is due to investment in capital assets and is not necessarily a reason to sell shares. Thus, while the capital investment in this project and shutdown for construction may be damaging in the short-term to EPS, in the long-term it will improve profit margins significantly has potential to earn an NPV of GBP 9.24 mill ion.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Revisiting that question - Emphasis
Revisiting that question Revisiting that question Write Now reader Simon Lewis joins the great that debate: Definitely one of my bugbears, that. Take this example: The teaching medical students receive also leaves them with an incomplete picture. I started interpreting this as The medical students who teach and then obviously realised [that] it was supposed to be interpreted The teaching *that* medical students receive. Im all for brevity, but not at the expense of clarity, and definitely not at the expense of causing the reader to re-start the sentence! Thanks, Simon. So it looks like there needs to be a context-specific clause added to our rule. If the that doesnt add any clarity to the sentence, as in the watch [that] my father gave me, then cutting it is fine. But if the that distinguishes the word preceding it as, for example, a noun (as it does for the word teaching in Simons example) rather than an adjective (which is how Simon interpreted the word to begin with, as a way of defining the medical students) then for goodness sake leave it in. This does, at least, reinforce the importance of another thing we stand for: proofreading!
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Why making a lot of money wonââ¬â¢t necessarily make you happy
Why making a lot of money wonââ¬â¢t necessarily make you happy A number that has been thrown around in recent years as the ideal salary to aim for is $75,000. Economistà Angus Deaton and psychologistà Daniel Kahneman performed a study in 2010 where they determined that it doesnââ¬â¢t matter now much more than this magic salary number you earn- your happiness and satisfaction levels wonââ¬â¢t noticeably increase. Why wouldnââ¬â¢t earning in the six figures make life absolutely fulfilling? Well, it turns out: money isnââ¬â¢t everything. There are plenty of other factors that affect your life satisfaction in any given job.Here are a few reasons why salary doesnââ¬â¢t necessarily correlate with happiness.Career success doesnââ¬â¢t always mean more money.Very often what makes a person happy is the ability to do what they do well and to gain influence, recognition, and job security. Success can mean rising to manage teams or organizations, making an impact, feeling valued in a crucial role for a company, or just knowing that the future is stable. None of these happiness factors necessarily require a high salary.Experiences matter.Itââ¬â¢s not all about earning and spending, either. Sometimes job satisfaction results from meeting daily challenges head on, or simply trying and learning new things. Jobs that are not satisfying beyond pay day will leave people who crave these more elusive factors feeling empty. Though money can help you buy things in your free time, you wonââ¬â¢t be able to enjoy those things without any free time. A career with a punishing schedule certainly wonââ¬â¢t allow you the time for many of the experiences outside of the office that constitute a fulfilling life.People often make the job.If you thrive on collaborative environments, client-based work, or sales teams, then a job that lacks human interaction can leave you feeling isolated no matter how much it pays. Interacting with other humans is one of those crucial things that help us to feel human, though some people require this more than others.You have to do what suits you.Similarly, if youââ¬â¢re a traditional person, you wonââ¬â¢t be happy in a well paying gig that thrives on innovation and busting up the status quo. If youââ¬â¢re into science, tech, or data- hard facts and numbers- you wonââ¬â¢t do well in a creative gig. If you require the freedom to be creative, you should not languish in a job that requires stifling your most genius ideas.You might thrive on doing good, not making more.If youââ¬â¢re an altruistic sort who really needs to make a positive difference in the world, youââ¬â¢d probably hate a high-power, high-paying job that doesnââ¬â¢t serve anything but a few corporate interests and your bank account. A job that allows you to make the world a better place will be infinitely more fulfilling than one that simply earns you a higher salary.Oversatisfaction isnââ¬â¢t all that great.If you deny yourself nothing and give yourself all the best of everything all the time- the best food, the finest clothes, the biggest house, the nicest travel perks, the fanciest car- then youââ¬â¢ll lose touch with the simpler pleasures in life. Stuff, especially nice stuff, can be a powerful addiction. But it wonââ¬â¢t necessarily make your life a happier one. Being realistic about what is really valuable to you will help you choose the career that best suits you.Constant chasing isnââ¬â¢t fun.On a similar note, if your days are just spent trying to make more to be able to afford this or that,à chances are you will feel empty in the long run. Ask yourself this tough question: When will you be done and able to sit back and enjoy the fruits of your labor? If the answer is something close to ââ¬Å"never,â⬠it might be time to consider a career change, even if you havenââ¬â¢t reached your goal yet. After all, pie-in-the-sky goals will never improve your life if you are miserable during the long process of fulfilling them. Be happy now in a care er that truly satisfies you.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Art response Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Art response - Essay Example Art theory is a factor that is very relevant to this country since the interpretation is not uniform and there is need to evaluate the relevance of each work presented in museum to form part of the cultural heritage. Successful evaluation requires in-depth understanding of content and context in which the work is relevant. It is important to note that various theories of criticism have been formulated by scholars to ensure that all the elements of art are applied relevantly in any production. The context in which the piece of art is established determines its application and serves to bring out the meaning in simpler way. For the works of art to portray the actual picture of the social context in which they are set, various critical analysis tools have been applied as in the case of the museum in Denver, USA. Another important aspect of American Art is the expression of the aesthetic values present in the pieces. USA has a wide variety of art and therefore serves as the center of anc ient studies on history and art. Art as shown from the past drawings and sculptors sets emotional status and therefore gives the real context and setting in which it was taken. Considering some of the artifacts found in the museums, it is worth to note that the emotional aspect of the works makes the viewer create a picture of the setting and context in which it is relevant. A collection of various pieces of art presents diverse abstraction which has remained a critical aspect of art. In the modern society, creative art still incorporates the ancient concepts in expressing the scene, meaning and context for the piece of art. It is important to note that art stands for past events which are useful in defining the lifestyle observed on a given society. The common saying that a picture speaks a thousand words asserts that artistic pieces say more. The posture, facial expression and other decorations gives detailed information about the moral concepts being conveyed. It is common to see the drawings painted in different colors and texture differentiated with a main aim of creating a particular impression. This is the reason behind the multiple colors, textual indentation and varied body features expression found in various artifacts kept in museums across United States. American art is not limited to artifacts but also written history. The complex social structure of the modern United States can be attributed to the Red Indian community and the immigrants who cumulatively formed the Amerindians. There is great history that covers the ancient tribes that inhabited the modern day United States. The story of art in this country dates many years back but some of the outstanding monuments like The Twins meets the Gods of Xibabla (The underworld), cylindrical vase e.593-830 CE among others gives a long period of art and history development ranging from 16,000 to date. Taking the Mayan tribe as an example, the art they left behind has been a ground for research study on the ancient American society and their way of life. The modern American society traces its roots from a very complex cultural fusion which is always exhibited in form of art. Some of the writings, paintings, drawings left behind and collected for stewardship in museums are important as far as the development of ancient art is concerned. Other art forms
Friday, November 1, 2019
Human Trafficking Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Human Trafficking - Research Paper Example In addition to that, the paper will focus on two police reports which describe a range of human trafficking incidents, particularly child sexual exploitation. By examining these cases, the dissertation intends to clarify what exactly is driving the demand for trafficked individuals, influencing perceptions of the crisis, and what exactly is constraining legal initiatives to end the exploitation. Sources that will be included: (1) studies on target groups for trafficking, (2) United State human trafficking laws, (3) cities where trafficking is highest, (4) factors influencing the demand for trafficking, and (5) peopleââ¬â¢s perception influencing human trafficking. Furthermore, the research hopes to show that although some view the inadequacy of federal agencies, courts, or political parties as the central reason for the limited success in preventing human trafficking, it is societiesââ¬â¢ ââ¬Ëideaââ¬â¢ of human trade that is the root cause of both inaction and the discrim inatory nature of responses to the abusive practice. These misperceptions operate across multiple dimensions, including race, gender, ethnicity, class, caste, culture, and geography. Such misconceptions can hinder the proper health care services provided for trafficked victims. By assuming that all victims are of the same background or subpopulation may result in practitioners maintaining false assumptions and/or obtaining incomplete and inaccurate histories; resulting in unanticipated and potentially hazardous treatment strategies and outcomes. The research paper will then take a quick look at the effects of public misconceptions on the health care sector and at how further understanding of these misconceptions may help improve health care services provided to trafficked victims. The paper will specifically explain the importance of training physical and mental health professionals at identifying certain victims and their needs, as well as the importance of educating the public. In addition, the paper will analyze the effect misconceptions have on a full range of trafficked victims including sexually exploited children and immigrant women. Such an analysis will provide the basis for further research and hopefully initiate further interest on how societal misconceptions shape the dynamics and trends of human trafficking and the laws surrounding it. PLAN Human trafficking Human Trafficking is a considered to be a modern name for slavery. It is basically immoral crime against humanity. It encompasses recruitment, transportation, harboring or receipt of person by coercion, fraud, misrepresentation for exploitation purpose (Hart, 2009). Moreover, exploitation can have different shapes like sexual exploitation, forced labor or slavery. Furthermore, human trafficking is practiced more or less in every country around the globe. Every year, several children, men and women are trafficked either in their own country or to other countries. Reasons for growth of trafficki ng Today, the world we are living in is changing, because of continuous new innovation in technology. Globalization has resulted in increased growth of tourism sector worldwide, which has reduced the national barriers between
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